Foreign professional qualification recognition

If you are a non-EU citizen and have professional qualifications obtained outside of Germany, you may need to have them recognized to work in Germany. This process is known as Recognition of Foreign Qualifications, and it involves having your qualifications assessed by the relevant authorities in Germany.

Many migrants have acquired a professional qualification in their respective country of origin that is urgently needed in Germany. German employers find it very difficult to correctly assess foreign qualifications resulting in people with these qualifications not finding a suitable job in Germany or having to work in jobs that do not correspond to their actual qualifications. The Recognition Act creates clarity and transparency and opens up better professional prospects for many migrants in Germany.

To get a better position, receive a higher salary or simply start working at the job of your dreams in Germany, we can help you get your Studies abroad recognized in Germany.

Recognition of foreign professional
qualification for Medical workers (§ 16 Residence Act)

Have you finished your studies abroad as a nurse and would like to further your career and work in Germany? We can help you apply for a resident’s permit allowing you to get your qualifications recognized.

Medical workers are part of regulated Professions. This means that entering Germany to work as a nurse requires separate documentation and permission including a preliminary approval from the federal employment agency. Nurses that have acquired professional qualifications abroad must first have their qualifications recognized in Germany. The applicant is issued a residents permit which allows them to gain experience in a German hospital, learn the language and take the recognition examination. After successfully completing the recognition, you can then apply for a residence permit to work as a nurse in Germany.

Preliminary approval of the German
federal employment agency

The preliminary approval is a necessary step for non-EU citizens who wish to apply for a work visa or a Blue Card EU. It is a confirmation from the Federal Employment Agency that a non-EU citizen is qualified for a specific job and that there are no suitable candidates within the EU for the position.

In order to obtain a preliminary approval, the employer must submit a job offer to the Federal Employment Agency. The job offer must meet certain requirements, such as offering a salary that meets or exceeds the local market rate, and the employer must also demonstrate that they have attempted to recruit suitable candidates within the EU before offering the position to a non-EU citizen.

The Federal Employment Agency will review the job offer and determine whether a preliminary approval should be granted. If the preliminary approval is granted, the non-EU citizen can then use it to apply for a work visa or a Blue Card EU.

At our law firm, we have extensive experience assisting clients with obtaining preliminary approvals from the Federal Employment Agency. We understand the importance of this step in the work visa application process, and we are committed to providing personalized, high-quality legal representation to every client we serve.

If you are interested in obtaining a preliminary approval from the Federal Employment Agency in Germany, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We will provide you with the legal guidance

We will provide you with the legal guidance and support you need to successfully navigate this process and obtain the necessary approvals for your work visa or Blue Card EU application.