Part-time and fixed-term contracts

The special statutory regulations to which part-time and fixed-term contracts are subject are set out in the Part-Time and Fixed-Term Employment Act (Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz – TzBfG), among others. Further special provisions result from corresponding collective agreements.

Part-time work law

As an employee, you have a basic entitlement to part-time work, although there may be operational reasons, such as disproportionate costs for your employer, that prevent this.

If you would like to reduce your working hours to part-time or possibly return to full-time work, we will be happy to examine your options and, if necessary, take care of the communication with your employer.

If a person employed by you wants to reduce their working hours against your will, you may be able to effectively refuse this if there are operational reasons against it.

We will be happy to advise you on this and take the appropriate steps.

Fixed-term contracts

Fixed-term employment contracts are generally possible under certain conditions, which require a specific case-by-case assessment.

If you wish to defend yourself against your fixed-term employment contract or a renewed fixed-term contract, we will examine its effectiveness. If our review reveals that the fixed-term contract is invalid, this will result in the employment contract being deemed to have been concluded for an indefinite period or for an indefinite period in accordance with Section 16 TzBfG. To this end, however, a so-called action to terminate the fixed-term contract must be filed with the competent labor court within a period of 3 weeks after the agreed end of the fixed-term contract at the latest. If this deadline is missed, the fixed-term contract is deemed to be legally effective.

Please bear this in mind if you wish to take advantage of our help to prevent your contract from being limited in time and, if you are unsure, contact us sooner.

If you, as an employer, wish to limit the term of a new employment contract for the first time or to extend the term of an old employment contract, there are various options for doing so, which in turn have different requirements and special features that need to be taken into account.

We will be happy to explain these to you in a personal meeting and will also be happy to draw up a corresponding contract for you on request.

Contact us!

We will be happy to explain these to you in a personal meeting.