Real Estate Transactions (Purchase, Rental, etc.)

Law Firm GINSBURG provides advice and assistance in real estate transactions in Germany.

Acquiring real estate in Germany is a secure capital investment and one of the favorable factors for obtaining a German visa. According to German law, the acquisition of a house or apartment is equivalent to the acquisition of a plot of land or a portion thereof on which the property is built.

Transactions involving land in Germany are conducted in notarial form. The German legislature has ensured that legal and financial risks for the contracting parties are eliminated. One such measure is the pre-reservation, which guarantees the buyer that the property will not be sold to third parties after the transaction is completed. Failure to comply with the legally prescribed form renders the real estate transaction void.

Before concluding the transaction, the notary is obligated to verify the selected property and the rights of third parties on it. The conclusion takes place under the observation of the notary and the relevant authorities. To acquire ownership, the buyer must present a certificate from the tax authorities confirming the payment of the corresponding tax in full. In Germany, it is also possible to finance the property through loans.

Our Law firm will support you at every intermediate step of the transaction process.

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